Countries subject to visas

Please check to see if you need a Visa to visit South Africa.

(Persons in transit please visit our "Transit Visa" page)

Select the country, of which you are a passport holder, by clicking on it's letter:

Country of Passport Visa conditions
Aden Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Afghanistan Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
African Union / Unity Liassez No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Akrotiri Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Albania No Visa or Fee for first 120 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Albania Tourist passport holder must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Algeria No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Andorra, Principality of No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Angola No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Angola Tourist passport holder must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Anguilla Must have Visa and pay Fee (except British passport holders - see United Kingdom)
Antigua and Barbuda No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Argentina No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Armenia Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Aruba Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Ascension Must have Visa and pay Fee (except British passport holders - see United Kingdom)
Australia No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Austria No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Azerbaijan Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
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Bahamas, Commonwealth of Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Bahrain Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Bailiwick of Guernsey No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Bangladesh Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Barbados No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Belarus No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic or Officia passports
Belarus Tourist passport holder must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Belau (Palau) Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Belgium No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Belize No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Benin (Dahomey) No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Bermuda Must have visa but issued  free of charge
Bhutan Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Bolivia No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Bosnia / Herzegovina Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Botswana No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Bouvet Islands Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Brazil No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
British Antarctic Territory Must have Visa and pay Fee (Except British passport holders - see United Kingdom)
British Indian Ocean Territory Must have Visa and pay Fee (Except British passport holders - see United Kingdom)
Brunei Darassalam Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Bulgaria No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Bulgaria Tourist passport holder must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Burkino Faso Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Burma (Myanmar) Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Burundi Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Byelorussia Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
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Caicos Islands Must have Visa and pay Fee (Except British passport holders - see United Kingdom)
Cambodia Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Cameroon Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Canada No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Cape Verde No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Cayman Islands Must have Visa and pay Fee (Except British passport holders - see United Kingdom)
Central Africa Republic Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Chad Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Chile No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
China (PROC) Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Colombia Must apply for Visa but issued FREE of charge
Comoros No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Comoros Tourist passport holder must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Congo (Brazzaville) Must apply for Visa but issued FREE of charge
Congo (DRC) Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Costa Rica No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Cote D'Ivore No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Cote D'Ivore Tourist passport holder must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Croatia No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Croatia Tourist passport holder must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Cuba Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Cyprus No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Tourist Passports
Cyprus No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Czech Republic No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
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Dhekelia Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Denmark No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Diego Garcia Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Djibouti Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Dominican Republic Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Ducie and Oeno Islands Must have Visa and pay Fee (Except British passport holders - see United Kingdom)
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Eastern Caribbean Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Ecuador No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Egypt No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
El Salvador Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Ellice Island Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Equatorial Guinea Visa but no Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Eritrea Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Estonia Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Ethiopia Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
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Falklands Islands Must have Visa and pay Fee (Except British passport holders - see United Kingdom)
Fiji Islands Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Finland No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
France No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
French Guiana Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
French Polynesia Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
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Gabon No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Gambia (The) Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Georgia, Republic of Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Germany No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Ghana Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Gibraltar Must have Visa and pay Fee (Except British passport holders - see United Kingdom)
Gilbert Islands (Kiribati) Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Gough Island Must have Visa & pay Fee (Except British passport holders - see United Kingdom)
Greece No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Greenland Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Grenada Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Guadeloupe Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Guam Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Guatemala Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Guernsey, Bailiwick of No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Guinea No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Guinea Tourist passport holder must have Visa and pay the fee
Guinea Bissau Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Guyana No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
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Haiti Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Henderson Must have Visa & pay Fee (Except British passport holders - see United Kingdom)
Holy See Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Honduras Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Hong Kong - (Only BNO / SAR passports) No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Hungary No Visa or Fee for first 120 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Hungary No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Tourist Passports
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Iceland No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
India No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
India Tourist passport holder must apply for Visa but issued free of charge
Indonesia Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Iran Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Iraq Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Ireland Northern No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Ireland, Republic of No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Isle of Man No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Israel No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Italy No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Ivory Coast No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Ivory Coast Tourist passport holder must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
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Jamaica No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Japan No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Jersey, British Isle No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Jordan No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
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Kampuchea Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Kazakhstan Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Kenya No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Kenya Must have Visa but no Fee for first 30 days for Tourist Passports
Kirghizstan Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Kiribati (Gilbert Islands) Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Korea North Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Korea South No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Kuwait Must apply for visa but issued free of charge
Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan) Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
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Laos Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Latvia Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Lebanon Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Lesotho No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Liberia Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Libya Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Liechtenstein No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Lithuania Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Luxemburg No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
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Macau (Only MSAR passports) No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Macedonia Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Madagascar No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Madagascar Tourist passport holder must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Malawi No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Malaysia No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Maldives No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Mali Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Malta No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Marshall Islands Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Martinique Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Mauritania Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Mauritius No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Mexico No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Mexico Tourist passport holder must apply for Visa but issued free of charge
Micronesia Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Moldova Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Monaco No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Mongolia Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Montserrat Must have Visa & pay Fee (Except British passport holders - see United Kingdom)
Morocco No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Morocco Tourist passport holder must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Mozambique No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Tourist Passports
Mozambique No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Myanmar (Burma) Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
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Namibia No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Naura Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Nepal Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Netherlands No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Netherlands Antilles Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
New Zealand No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Nicaragua Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Niger Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Nigeria Tourist passport holder must have Visa and pay the fee
Nigeria No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Northern Marianas Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Norway No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
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Oman Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
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Pakistan Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Palaci Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Palau Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Panama Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Papua New Guinea Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Paraguay No Visa or Fee for first 120 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Paraguay No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Tourist Passports
Peru No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Philippines Visa but no Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Pitcairn Islands Must have Visa and pay Fee (Except British passport holders - see United Kingdom)
Poland No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Tourist Passports
Poland No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Portugal No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Puerto Rico Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
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Qatar Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
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Reunion Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Romania No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Romania Tourist passport holder must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Russian Federation Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Rwanda No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Rwanda Tourist passport holder must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
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SADC Liassez Passers No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for official business
Samoa, American Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Samoa, Independent State Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
San Marino No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Sao Tome & Principe Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Saudi Arabia Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Senegal Must apply for Visa but issued free of charge
Serbia and Montenegro Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Seychelles No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Siera Leone Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Singapore No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Slovak Republic No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Tourist Passports
Slovak Republic No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Slovenia No Visa or Fee for first 120 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Slovenia Tourist passport holder must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Solomon Islands Must have visa but free of charge
Somalia Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
South Korea No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Spain No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Sri Lanka Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
St Helena & Dependencies Must have Visa & pay Fee (Except British passport holders - see United Kingdom)
St Kitts and Nevis Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
St Lucia Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
St Vincent & the Grenadines No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Sudan Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Suriname Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Swaziland No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Sweden No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Switzerland No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Syrian Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
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Tajikistan Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Tanzania No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Tanzania Tourist passport holder must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Thailand No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Tourist Passports
Thailand No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Togo Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Tonga Must apply for visa but is issued free of charge
Trinidad & Tobago Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Tristan de Cunha Must have Visa and pay Fee (Except British passport holders - see United Kingdom)
Tunisia No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Tunisia Tourist passport holder must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Turkey No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Turkmenistan Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Turks and Caicos Islands Must have Visa and pay Fee (Except British passport holders - see United Kingdom)
Tuvalu Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
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Uganda Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Ukraine Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
UN Liassez Passers No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for official business
United Nations Personnel See Note 4 below.
United Arab Emirates Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
United Kingdom of Great Britain

No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports

United States of America No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Uruguay No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Uzbekistan Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
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Vanuatu Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Vatican City (Hole See) Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Venezuela No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Vietnam No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic or Official Passports
Vietnam Tourist passport holder must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
Virgin islands (British) Must have Visa & pay Fee (Except British passport holders - see United Kingdom)
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Western Sahara Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
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Yemen Must apply for Visa and pay the Fee
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Zambia No Visa or Fee for first 30 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
Zimbabwe No Visa or Fee for first 90 days for Diplomatic, Official or Tourist Passports
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  1. Diplomatic and Official passport holders never pay visa fees
  2. Countries not mentioned here must have a visa but the visa is issued free of charge
  3. If not certain, please phone the Consular Section at the Mission in Canberra
  4. The following categories of the UN as well as their spouses, dependent relatives and other members of the households are exempt from visa requirements when visiting the Republic for periods not exceeding 90 days for purposes for which a visitor’s permit may be issued, and for official business purposes and transits and when accredited for placement at a UN mission in the Republic for the duration of their accreditation, provided they are in possession of the relevant letters or identification documents to identify themselves at ports of entry as personnel of an UN agency. 
    • Holders of United Nations Laissez-passers
    • Volunteers attached to the UN
    • Persons involved in any United Nations agency
    • Persons performing services on behalf of the UN


South African Flag